I co-presented with colleagues from the University of Birmingham at the ECU National Conference as part of the workshop ‘Queering the Academy’. The session covered the LGBT Inclusive Curriculum Project now in it’s fourth year at the University. I covered work I’ve done with University colleagues making the courses for postgraduate researchers who teach more LGBT inclusive. Contact me for more information on this aspect of the project.
ECU Conference – the first time I’ve been and I was really impressed by the range of papers, discussion topics and networking/sharing good practice opportunities. Most of the 200 participants were working in equality and diversity roles in HR, staff development and student support. A few tips if you’re interested in attending and want to get your money’s worth:
- think of giving a paper (which means a short talk) – anything about sharing good practice goes down really well
- offer to run a workshop: my favourite as you get really good discussions and it’s easier to meet people
- calls for the above come out 4-6 months before the conference
- it’s a big conference, so hard to find specific people – I tend to ask a question in the big opening sessions so people know who I am.
- put aside at least an hour soon after you’ve attended any conference to review your action points and follow-up those new contacts. If I leave it for more than a week, I know I’ll never get round to it.