This network has been established for over a year now providing a forum for HE LGBT Staff Networks to meet to share good practice. The usual format is a few presentations and plenty of time to network and it’s FREE! The network is supported by the Equality Challenge Unit (ECU).
I was first up with a presentation about the mentoring scheme I set up for the University of Birmingham We also heard from a current member of staff who, as a student, was one of the early mentees and is now a mentor himself. I also invited Aston University to say a bit about their LGBTQ staff-student mentoring scheme which has just been launched. Other universities have recently been in touch with me about setting up their own schemes.
The other presentations included:
- Chester University – looking at the useful links Staff Networks can make with other departments in their universities
- Stonewall – Pete Mercer gave some essential background to the principles underpinning Stonewall’s work and how ot related to the HE sector
- Aston University gave us an overview of how they had recently revitalised their staff network
I’ll be running a workshop at Chester University’s Diversity Festival on March 13th on building and sustaining your staff network. It’s free.