Medical and Dental Students go on placement during their courses to hospitals, clinics, GP surgeries, physios. I ran two sessions for medical professionals who receive such students who are studying for the Education for the Health Professionals Qualification . It is validated by the Higher Education Academy and leads to Fellowship. I’m a Senior Fellow, so it’s great to be teaching on the course.
I ran two workshops looking at the LGBT Inclusive Curriculum Project at Birmingham on which I worked as a consultant. The focus was on how to make medical professionals’ teaching more inclusive to benefit LGBTQ medical students.
The workshop covered:
- an introduction to LGBTQ issues in general
- the principles of an inclusive curriculum
- curriculum content and also teaching methods and the hidden curriculum
- how to affect change
- focus on modest changes participants could put into effect.
We also look at how some of our discussions and learnings could be applied to treating LGBTQ patients.